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Anchor 2

CIMAG is a project developed in partnership with:

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The center brings together the latest technologies in agriculture.

Anchor 1

Un lugar para vivir la agricultura del futuro

CIMAG / its purpose is to draw attention to the key role that the new technologies are playing in the agriculture sector, and their impact on the wellbeing of the families of rural and urban dwellers, through an online educational space.

Hands in the Soil
Harvest Work

In the Americas, the region that has the capacity to guarantee the world’s food security, agriculture is faced with new paradigms, on which it needs to capitalize in order to promote a better quality of life for its inhabitants.


In doing so, it is essential to take advantage of technological breakthroughs and extend the use of state-of-the-art tools to all rural producers in the hemisphere.


Against this backdrop, and to impress upon the new generations the fact that the future of agriculture is already here, the Interpretive Center for Tomorrow’s Agriculture (CIMAG) was inaugurated, an ambitious educational project at the service of its member countries.

A proposal that links education and the future of agriculture.

Anchor 3

Education / A project to raise awareness among the younger generations of the fact that the future of agriculture is already here.

Realidad virtual

One of the major agricultural challenges facing the countries of the Americas is the need to increase farming’s appeal to the new generations and provide development opportunities for them in the rural world.


IICA promotes a renewed vision of agriculture in the Americas in which people should be at the heart of all development strategies. Hence, the creation of the CIMAG to facilitate the empowerment of young people through the dissemination of know-how and interaction with innovative technologies.

CIMAG, A place to experience the agriculture of the future.

Anchor 4

© CIMAG, an IICA project

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